Humor supaya tidak mengantukCopasSeorang perempuan cantik menginap semalam di Hotel Bintang 5.Ketika check-out, ia kaget melihat bill hotel sebesar Rp7 juta.Dia protes ke Manajer Hotel.Wanita: "Saya cuma tidur 1 malam masak harus bayar Rp7 juta, mana rinciannya?"Manager: "Harga itu termasuk: spa, sauna, salon, kolam renang, gym, tenis, wifi, makan di restoran"Wanita: "Semua itu sama sekali tidak saya PAKAI! Kenapa saya harus membayarnya?"Manager: "Kami...
JANGAN MEREMEHKAN BAHASA INDONESIA:Karena kenyataannya memang lebih nyaman dan lebih mudah untuk diucapkan ...! Coba saja ucapkan kalimat di bawah ini.Bahasa Indonesia:"Tiga nenek sihir melihat tiga buah arloji merek Swatch. Nenek sihir mana yang melihat arloji merek Swatch?"Bahasa Inggris:"Three witches watch three Swatch watches. Which witch watch which Swatch watch?"Hahahahaha ... Muncrat tuh ...!! ...
Jauh sebelum manusia menemukan kata seperti e-learning, e-banking, e-book, e-health, e-commerce, e-mail, etc, orang jawa adalah penemu asal kata-kata yang diawali huruf "e".
Berikut kata diawali "e" itu:
- e-mbuh: disconnected from communication due to the inability to figure out something.
- e-ndasmu: high amplitude anger, full of energy transferred orally to others.
- e-alah: a status quo created due to the incompatibility between the principles held by somebody and the reality.
- e-ntut: an invisible, untraceable attack send to an area by biologically naturally created gas. This gas is not eco friendly.
- e-dan: a systemic error at the CPU (central processing unit) embedded inside the head, which causes incapabilities to process data logically.
- e-nak: a conclusion sent out from a sensory system after processing easy, yummy data and or an input.
- e-link: mechanism of the brain retrieving past data.
- e-lok: the look of your partner 15 years ago.
- e-nom: your look 25 years ago.
- e-NDANG: your classmate
- e-mber: agree to something that your friend said
- e-mper: a space for you to sell anything for free during Car Free Day
- e-yke: banci calling himself
- e-yang: most wanted person on lebaran day
- e-lu: how to call your friend
- e-gepe: whatever you say laaaahhh.
- e-ladalah: surprised expression regarding something funny
- e-suk: when the sun rises
- e-ntek: no more or finished
- e-neg: when you're feeling sick of someone else
- e iiit; avoid something
#Buka Google ... 😅
A chinese auntie went to post office to renew her road tax. A young malay boy was at the counter.Chinese auntie: "I want to renew my road tax!"Malay boy: "Apa nombor plat ...?"Chinese auntie: "Biji u dua dua nampak ...!"Malay boy was shy, he then adjusted his trouser and he asked the auntie again: "Apa nombor plat?"Chinese auntie: "Saya sudah cakap ... biji...
Selamat siang ... 🙏🏻Ibu-Bapak-Om-Tante-Mas-Mbak Yth ...Sehubungan dengan terbitnya uang kertas terbaru yang telah dikeluarkan Bank Indonesia, maka jika Bapak dan Ibu ada yang ingin membuang uang kertas yang lama, saya siap menampung ...Terima kasih .... 😋🙏🏻😋 ...